Perfect Your Golf Posture

Of all the golf swing basics, posture is arguably the most important. The angles you create with your upper body determine the height of your hands, how far away from the ball you stand, and even how you form your grip. The good news is that it's a simple routine to master.

In this video, master PGA Professional and Explanar inventor, Luther Blacklock, talks you through the key fundamentals of the golf set-up, explaining how to build a pre-shot routine that enables you to stand to the ball with perfect posture each and every time.

For beginner golfers, experienced golfers, senior golfers and junior golfers, at Explanar, our goal is to make learning to play golf as intuitive, effective and enjoyable as possible. Across all of our social media channels and our website – – you will find a wide range of golf instruction content, from long game, short game and putting techniques to course management and on-course strategy.

We want to help you improve your golf, as well as help you fix the most common faults, including how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you hit longer drives, hit longer, straighter iron shots, and help you draw and fade your golf shots. We will also help you lower your scores and your handicap by showing you how to chip and pitch the ball closer to the hole from all distances and all lies.

Plus, with the help of our new Explanar Putting Mat, we will help you develop a better putting stroke, read greens more effectively and eliminate those frustrating three-putts!

Master PGA Professional Luther Blacklock invented the Explanar Swing Trainer after realising that, despite his 30 years of working with golfers of all levels, one key ingredient was missing from his coaching skills – the ability to teach feel. Luther realised that his pupils not only need to understand how to swing the golf club to hit the shot, they also need to ‘feel’ what it is like to swing on their optimum biomechanical swing plane. If you can achieve this, you will hit much longer, straighter and more consistent golf shots. Launched in 2001, the Explanar Golf Swing Trainer is now used in over 40 countries and can be found at some of the world’s most prestigious golf clubs.

Nick Wright